Tuesday, November 14, 2017


      At the college there was an art gallery for the staff and another photo major and I went. It was interesting to see what our professors and other professors do outside of teaching classes. I was really impressed with one of my professors photography. He had taken a photo of an old car and printed it on metal which was interesting because I had never seen that before. I did not even know that you could print photos on metal and it makes me wonder what else could be printed on. We were not allowed to touch the work but it was tempting because this image with the car looked like it had texture. Because it looked like it had texture I really wanted to touch it and I think that is also what makes it interesting is that one it is on metal and that it looks visually satisfying because of the texture look.
      There was also another professors work that I was impressed with. This professor had taken pieces of newspaper and incorperated it into her work as a form of symbolism. One painting had an ocean with a boat and the boat looked like it was destryed and there were newspaper clippings of garbage. I believe the symbolism there was about how we pollute our earth and waters with trash. I just liked that she took newspaper clippings and put it into many of the works that were at the gallery

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