Monday, November 20, 2017

Comfort Zone

      For one of the photo classes the students have to email or some how contact a professional photographer and ask questions for a final project. This is uncomfortable for me personally because I dont usually introduce myself to people first especially complete strangers. I have already messaged some photographers on Instagram and they all do wildlife photography. I am really interested in wildlife photography especially for National Geographic. The people that I had messaged have worked for or currently work for National Geo. I am a bit paranoid that no one will get back to me with anything. I am intruiged as to how they got where they are and how they started. I also am wondering if wildlife was their first choice, or if they had wanted or tried a different area of photography. Emailing other photographers who are so good at what they do intimidates me a bit because they are so good I want them to like my work and to be impressed. It is also intimidating because they are professional and have worked with important people or companies.

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